
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Twitter tools to enhance your business !!!


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Twitter tools to enhance your business !!!

There are so many twitter tools/applications available online which you can use to increase the number of clients and revenue for your business. Few of the good tools are mentioned here which you can begin with...

Using monitter, you can monitor upto 3 keywords of your interest. You can also search tweets tweeted within your area by entering your location.

Hence it can help you find  people tweeting about your business or topics related to your business.


This web-tool lets you search for more than 3 keyword. You can search for a maximum of 9 keywords at the same time.


Its key features include :-
i) Multiple Accounts and Multiple Users : Manage up to five Twitter accounts through a single CoTweet login.
ii) Monitor Keywords and Trends : Twitter search is seamlessly integrated within the CoTweet interface.
iii) Assignments :Assign updates to your colleagues for follow up. Finally, a way to Get Things Done on Twitter.
iv) On Duty Notifications : Share the responsibility of being on duty. Get email notifications when updates are sent to your Twitter accounts.
 TOP MNC's like FORD, BING, MC Donalds, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and even Twitter itself is using this web-tool.


 To get free twitter alerts by email. Keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything, with hourly updates! You can even keep track of who's tweeting your website or blog, even if they use a shortened URL (like bit.ly or tinyurl.com).



Thanks for reading this post. Hope you liked it. Please input your valuable comments. ~ ROHAN RAWAT

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